Winter is enough to give anyone the blues but grilling can make life more pleasant and flavorful. Winter vegetables taste as delicious when grilled with the Duluth Forge Kamado Grill as their summertime counterparts do. Whether you love broccoli, brussel sprouts, or squash, use an open flame to bring out their natural flavors and create a unique smoky taste that veggies microwave or stove prepped vegetables lack.
Preparing your Kamado Grill:
Whether it’s due to dietary restrictions or personal beliefs, it’s important to thoroughly clean and scrape your grill to ensure there aren’t any meat residue or oils remaining before placing vegan items on the grill. Additionally, if you want to cook vegetables directly on the grates it’s best to oil the grates lightly to prevent any sticking or burning.
Pre-heat your Kamado grill to desired temp
Grilled Winter Squash and Brussels Sprouts
- Brussel sprouts
- Winter squash
- Olive oil
1. Cut the Brussels sprouts into quarters. Cut the winter squash into ½-inch thick wedges that are each 1 ½ inches long.
2. Combine the vegetables, add some olive oil, and toss to coat
3. Line a metal sheet pan with a piece of aluminum foil or silicone mat. Spread the vegetables in a single layer in the pan.
4. Put the pan on the indirect grilling zone of the Kamado Grill when 500-degree Fahrenheit is achieved. Cook the vegetables for approximately 45 minutes or until nicely browned.
Grilled Greek Sandwiches
- Grilled vegetables (eggplant is a good choice or use a variety)
- Whole-wheat pita bread
- Greek vinaigrette salad dressing
- Hummus
- olive oil
1. Brush the vegetables with some olive oil. Slice the vegetables and place them in a grill basket or on a piece of aluminum foil. Grill until the vegetables are partially cooked. Turn the vegetable slices over and grill until they are completely cooked. Harder vegetables like carrots should be cooked at low temperatures for a longer period
2. Open the pita bread and stuff each pocket with grilled vegetables, leaving some room for additional ingredients.
3. Add hummus and Greek vinaigrette salad dressing to each pita pocket.
Grilled White Bean Medley
- 1 ½ cups white beans, cooked and drained
- 2 carrots, peeled and chopped
- 5 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
- 2 large onions, each peeled and cut into eight pieces
- 12 Brussels sprouts, halved
- ½ pound of small red potatoes, chopped
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
- 2 teaspoons dried herb mixture
- Salt
- Pepper
1. Heat your Kamado Grill to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
2. Use aluminum foil to line a baking sheet containing sides. Toss the Brussels sprouts, potatoes, carrots, garlic, and onions on the sheet with 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and the olive oil. Use salt and pepper to season.
3. Place the baking sheet on your Kamado Grill and roast the vegetables for 30 to 45 minutes or until they are tender and golden brown. Toss the vegetables one or more times during grilling.
4. Remove the sheet from the grill and stir in the beans. Put the sheet back on the grill and roast approximately 5 minutes or until the beans are crisp. Remove the pan from the heat.
5. Toss the teaspoon of balsamic vinegar with the vegetables and if desired, drizzle on some additional olive oil.